"With considerable regret, I have repeatedly noticed that few citizens gather for the soul-beneficial teaching that has been taught every Sunday before the Holy Liturgy for almost a year now..."
Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk talks about going to catechetical teaching:
It was determined for this purpose, so that everyone, listening, would know what the Christian title and the power of God’s law consist of, and thus would prosper in piety. But, as I see it, the opposite is happening to my intention.
The preacher works the whole week, sweats, collects like a bee what he could offer for instruction, speaks for an entire hour, but his labors are almost in vain, the seed of the word of God falls almost in vain, since there are few who listen. You know, some people think that it is better to spend a short time condemning or slandering their neighbor, others in depraved conversations, others in reading seductive and soul-harming books, others in idleness and laziness, which is the mother and source of all evil, or in other than useless and harmful than to go and listen to the preached word of God.
When a jester jokes in front of you, or a flatterer lies, you listen to them with eagerness and pleasure. And when a preacher in the middle of the church preaches the truth, speaks words of eternal life, you turn away your ears. But, oh poor man, you are the unluckiest of all! How much more beneficial it would be for you if you listened to the true word of God and learned from His law, and not to flatterers, filled with a lying spirit, and turned your ears to jesters!
The Queen of the South, according to Scripture, “came from the ends of the earth to listen to the wisdom of Solomon” (Matthew 12:42; 1 Kings 10:1-8). Here, in the temple of the Lord, it is not Solomon’s wisdom that is preached, but the wisdom of God. “Christ,” I say with the Apostle Paul, “is the Power of God and the Wisdom of God” (1 Cor. 1:24).
So, at the time of the Second Coming of Christ, will not those who are lazy to come to church — not from distant countries, but from nearby houses — will they avoid the terrible judgment of God, the righteous wrath of God and execution? Saint John Chrysostom denounces such people for such negligence and cries out loudly: “When someone comes from the king with a decree, everyone listens, but when a prophet comes from God, the King of kings, and broadcasts from heaven, no one listens.

Some are arrogant with pride, others are blinded by self-interest, others are overcome by luxury, others are drowning in laziness, others are obsessed with other passions; and how many people gather in the house of God to pray and preach the word of God!” God assigned man six days to work to fulfill his own needs, and during these six days God sent, like manna, profit and happiness in our labors. And the seventh day, that is, Sunday, is sanctified for the sake of serving God Himself and glorifying His holy name. But many have such a cold love for God, who created and loved them, they come to such fearlessness before their Creator that not only one day, but one hour a day they serve God, their Creator, learn from His law, listen to His saving word , are lazy, neglect it.
I think that if teaching was taught here on how to collect perishable wealth and obtain temporary honor and dignity, not only the parents themselves would come to study at such a school, but they would also bring their children. And not only do not bring their children, but even the fathers and mothers themselves do not go to listen to that preacher who teaches to lay up incorruptible treasure in heaven, who shows the way to eternal bliss.
They consider it necessary and great to listen to how to make a profit for their merchants, how to provide a service to some gentleman. And how to please God, how to receive the salvation of the soul, how not to lose eternal life, how to avoid eternal torment in Gehenna - that’s the last thing they think about! Isn't this a misconception? Isn't it extreme blindness? They seek the perishable, but despise the imperishable! They seek the mortal, but despise the immortal!.. They seek the earthly, but despise the heavenly!.. Probably, such people either have a deep sinful sleep, or are extremely devoted to worldly things, from which they do not want to free themselves for a single hour.
But know, friend, that the wealth of this world, like the flow of a river, will flow away; vain glory will disappear like smoke; honor and dignity, like a wildflower, will soon fade. Only hearing the word of God is that “good part”, which, according to the word of the Eternal Truth Himself, our Savior, will never “be taken away” (Luke 10:42). Few people seek Him, but almost all of them spontaneously make themselves unworthy of this unvalued bead, this integral treasure.
Oh, teachers! O preachers of the word of God! How unhappy you are in our century! How few listeners you have! In order to learn German, French and other foreign languages, many spare no fortune, no money, no labor. And preachers teach the law of God for free, without price or money, declare the will of the Heavenly Father, preach the word of God, which instructs so that they know completely what to believe in, and lead a life similar to what they believe.
But no one listens to them! The streets are filled with people everywhere, there are countless gatherings of people in the market place, there are a lot of people between the shops, everywhere there are quite a lot of people gathering in groups. Only few people attend the sermon in the temple of God! Therefore, for such Christians who withdraw from listening to preaching, both faith and life are the same. “Faith comes by hearing,” according to the apostle, “and hearing by the word of God” (Rom. 10:17).
Where can I find it? Where are its corresponding fruits? Where is Christian simplicity? Where is the brotherly love that Christ requires of us? Where is meekness, where is mercy, where is goodness, where is self-control, etc.? And no traces are visible! On the contrary, why is robbery, why is it theft, why is bribery, why is theft, why is it perjury, why is it adultery and fornication, why is it slander, condemnation, why is drunkenness and intemperance, why is it flattery, deceit and other similar iniquities, if not because the law Is God in extreme ignorance and contempt?
Everyone tries to know the Royal decrees and carry them out, since everyone faces visible execution for a crime, and few people try to know and act on God’s decrees, for the crime of which eternal punishment awaits. How pitiful and terrible this matter is, judge for yourself! I don’t say anything about this, but I am only amazed at God’s indescribable mercy and long-suffering. And at the same time, I confess and confirm that His goodness awaits us all for repentance, if the worthy one does not send execution for that crime.
But maybe someone doesn’t like a preacher who doesn’t speak well? To this I say that God’s command to preachers is not that they amuse and amuse their listeners with their preaching, but that they bring benefit and heal their sinful wounds.
So what is the reason that keeps many from listening to the word of God? This, listeners, I find is that their souls are in a bad state. For just as when the stomach does not accept food, we without a doubt conclude that it is unhealthy and requires treatment and healing, so when someone does not want to listen to the word of God, which is food for the soul, this is a well-known sign that his soul is weakened and sick. and requires treatment and a healing patch. Do you, listeners, know how precious a thing is our soul? For her, the Only Begotten Son of God shed His priceless Blood. That's how expensive she is!
I would show you, listeners, the very way how the word of God feeds our souls; would declare how it preserves people of all ranks in their positions, how it instills justice in those in authority, loyalty in subordinates, how it encourages the rich to be generous and give alms, the poor to patience and generosity, how it teaches parents to provide for their children, their children to honor and respect obeying parents strengthens the young in faith, cheers the old in hope, and in all, love for God and love for neighbor plant, grow, and multiply.
But whoever wants to know this, do not be lazy to come at the appointed time, and you will hear and know the very essence. The devil’s snares are spread out everywhere, tunnels are laid everywhere for spiritual destruction, temptations are encountered everywhere: temptations in homes, temptations on the streets, temptations at crossroads, temptations on the paths. And the eyes and ears are like certain doors with which all evil strikes the temple of the heart. The world with its charms is arming itself; the adversary the devil “prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Pet. 5:8); the flesh with passions and lusts constantly rebels against the soul. Now pride, then love of money, then anger, then rage, then drunkenness, then fornication and adultery, then laziness and despondency, then anger and revenge and other spiritual enemies are rising. A Christian must constantly fight against these enemies even until the end of his life.
How to fight without weapons? But just as these enemies are spiritual, that is, fighting against the spirit, so the weapon with which they are defeated must be spiritual. And the word of God shows this spiritual weapon. It instructs us how to stand against the spirits of wickedness in high places, how to struggle against the passionate flesh, how to evade the charms of the world and temptations. I marvel greatly if anyone, in the midst of so many temptations, so many snares of the devil, leads a Christian life, but does not study the law of God. Yes, and this can hardly happen. For how can you fulfill the will of God if you don’t know it? And how can you know if you don’t listen to the words of God in which it is revealed?
Therefore, I confirm: if you want to act carefully in the midst of so many temptations, if you need eternal life, if you want to receive the kingdom of heaven, a beautiful paradise, eternal bliss, then do not neglect listening to the word of God. A week contains one hundred and sixty-eight hours. Set aside one hour from this number for this godly and saving work, and, leaving all worldly cares, both old and young, rich and poor, fathers and sons, flock to the temple of the Lord for the sake of hearing the word of God.
There you will hear about God and His Divine properties.
Hear about the wonderful creation of the whole world by Him.
Hear about the beginning of the human race.
You will hear about the blissful state of Adam, you will hear about his disastrous fall and expulsion from the beautiful paradise.
Hear about the Divine Providence that saves our family.
Hear how the Son of God, by the favor of the Heavenly Father and the action of the Most Holy Spirit, became incarnate from the Holy Virgin for our sake.
Hear how He lived on earth with people.
Hear how he endured reproach, blasphemy, mockery, terrible suffering and shameful death.
Hear how he rose from the dead and ascended into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God the Father.
You will hear that he will come again to judge the living and the dead.
Hear that there will be reward for the righteous and the sinful.
And what is the use of this! Unspeakable!
When you hear about God, you will know yourself, who you are.
When you hear about the goodness of God, you will begin to love Him.
When you hear about His righteousness, you will begin to fear Him.
When you hear about His omnipresence, you will walk honestly before Him everywhere.
When you hear about His omnipotence, learn to trust in Him alone.
When you hear about His wisdom, you will be amazed at Him.
When you hear about the creation of the world, you will recognize the goodness, wisdom and omnipotence of God. Goodness - that He did not create all this for His own sake; wisdom - what He created so wonderfully; omnipotence - what he created out of nothing.
When you hear about the creation of the first man, you will know the beginning of your existence.
When you hear about his fall and the disaster that followed, you will know into what state sin has plunged us, and this way you will be more comfortable guarding yourself against it.
When you hear about the renewal of our race, you will clearly see how great God’s mercy is.
When you hear about the suffering and shameful death of the Son of God, accepted for our sake, be touched by love for Him.
When you hear about His Second Coming and rewarding each person according to his deeds, you will have the fear of God, which will lead you away from every ungodly deed.
When you hear about eternal torment, the unquenchable fire prepared for the devil and his angel, you will think in every possible way how to avoid it.
When you hear about eternal bliss, your heart will be inflamed to desire and acquire it.
So, what is more necessary and what is more pleasant? Do not abandon, I pray you, do not abandon this much-needed task! You yourself will recognize a great change in yourself. Anyone will know what state he is in. He will see the defilement of his soul, and so he will wash it. He will see nakedness, and will try to clothe her. He will see poverty and wretchedness, and so will seek bliss. Finally, I will add: just as if we want to heal a physical illness, we must first know it, so whoever wants to heal a mental illness must first know it, and it is known from the word of God.
However, even if two or three gather, the teaching will still be taught, and it will be even more exposed as careless and disdainful. And the preacher, do not be discouraged by the fact that there are few listeners, but work diligently for the glory of God and for the benefit of your neighbor. Your reward will not perish, but “it will be great in heaven” (Matthew 5:12). Amen.
Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk. Words spoken to the Voronezh flock. Advice to residents of the city of Voronezh about going to catechetical teaching.
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