The Punishment Visited on the Men Who Murdered the Last Russian Tsar and His Family

Originally appeared at: Russia Insider

There were similar processions and pilgrimages held throughout post-Soviet Russia to commemorate the 101st anniversary of the martyrdom of Emperor Nicholas II and his family, brutally murdered by Jewish Bolsheviks on the night of 16/17 July 1918 in the Ipatiev House in the Ural city of Ekaterinburg.

Memorial events included liturgies and prayers, historical conferences, sacred music concerts and exhibitions. Tens of thousands of people from across Russia, and abroad gathered in Ekaterinburg for this annual event.

The main event of the Tsar’s Days is the Divine Liturgy was held at the Church on the Blood (built on the site of the Ipatiev House) on the night of 16 July. This was followed by a religious procession in the early morning hours of 17 July, from the Church on the Blood in Ekaterinburg to the Monastery of the Holy Royal Martyrs at Ganina Yama (21 km).

Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and all Rus’

In 2012, for the first time since the construction of the Church on the Blood in Ekaterinburg, an all-night vigil and night Divine Liturgy were performed in the open air. In 2018, again ignored by mainstream Western media, more than 100,000 pilgrims from across Russia and around the world took part in the Patriarchal Liturgy and procession of the cross from the Church on the Blood to the Ganina Yama.

Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and all Rus’

An interesting footnote of history was a revelation of the karma visited upon those individuals who in 1918 directly or indirectly slaughtered the heads of the Romanov Dynasty (1613 – 1917).

Ipatiev House was a merchant’s house in Yekaterinburg (later renamed Sverdlovsk) where the former Emperor Nicholas II of Russia (1868–1918, reigned 1894–1917), his family, and members of his household were executed[1] in July 1918 following the Bolshevik Revolution. Its name is identical with that of the Ipatiev Monastery in Kostroma, from where the Romanovs came to the throne. As an act for the 60th anniversary of the Russian Revolutions, it was demolished in 1977 by orders of the Politburo of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union to the local communist soviet government, almost 59 years after the Romanov family execution and 14 years before the dissolution of the Soviet Union itself in 1990-1991.

Yekaterinburg’s Church on the Blood, built on the spot where the Ipatiev House once stood.

The priest reminded those gathered: “On this terrible and holy place where the blood of the Tsar, Sovereign, God’s Anointed, and his family was shed, it was here, where the most terrible crime of the twentieth century took place, that the Temple on the Blood, grew”.

THE BREATH-TAKING PROPHECY “The Word of God spoke to all of us: I will create Church and the Gate and no one will overcome it. Indeed, the blood of the holy martyrs became the holy seed for the church. And the Temple, which grew up in this place, makes a call to repentance. And the Lord, saying that He will create the Church and the Gate, and no one would overcome it, testified to this that there would be a battle against the Church. There will be war, but the Church will be invincible and will stay until the Second Coming.

But those who rebelled against the Church, and rebel to this day, remain miserable. And we see what happened. We know from history that after the arrest of the Tsar, civil strife, civil war, artificial famine, repression, Gulags, Belomorkanal, Solovki camp and much more came, and then the Second World War came.

And the people who were in Leningrad were the first to rebel against the Tsar, and they carried posters Down with the Tsar! They then experienced a terrible famine during the war years (Siege of Leningrad September 1941 – January 1944). And this is the torment and death during the war, probably also echoes of what happened during the revolution.

The case is known, as in the years of the Soviet Union, when there was a putsch in Hungary, Soviet tanks and paratroopers successfully suppressed this putsch, the leader of the country of Hungary, a well-known participant in the execution of the Imperial family, Imre Nagy, (1896 – 1958) was tried and convicted.

And he, he was the head of state, when he was tried in court, and when he was charged and before his execution, he spoke, addressing the people in his last word. “Do not feel sorry for me! I’m a terrible criminal! I participated in the execution of the Russian Tsar”.

Coincidence or justice? “All who took part in the slaughter of the Romanovs suffered terrible punishment for their atrocity, for the blood of the royal family and for the blood of a fratricidal war. The local Bolsheviks and those who were far from Yekaterinburg, but gave the order to kill the royal family, they all died, some from typhoid, some from the hands of their party members who were killed or executed, Sverdlov, Trotsky, Yurovsky and others. The storm passed over them, eventually destroying the Bolsheviks”.

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