The goals of the Order of St. George are to help the Orthodox poor, the sick, the needy, the maimed, the mentally ill, the imprisoned, the socially disadvantaged and the persecuted. The Order also strives to assist in the protection and maintenance of Orthodox holy places including monasteries, seminaries, cathedrals, churches and shrines.
His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR), gave his official ecclesiastical blessing to the Holy Orthodox Order of St. George the Great Martyr.
The Order of St. George has been established as an international, lay chivalric Order of knighthood. At its center, the Order is an advocacy organization for those who find themselves in need, especially those under religious persecution. The Order ministers exclusively to Orthodox Christians.
The Order presents the Orthodox Christian, both male and female, cleric and lay, a means to express one’s faith in tangible ways. It empowers members to be of true Christly service, as mirrored in the Beatitudes and in the basic Christian message of love. The Order practices philanthropy through membership. To help carry out its goals and objectives, the Holy Orthodox Order of Saint George the Great Martyr will admit those who apply for membership. The Order has three categories of members. The first consists of those who belong to the ranks of the Orthodox clergy, the second consists of those who belong to the Orthodox laity, and the third consist of those who belong to the Order as companion members through the Most Meritorious Order of the Holy Spirit.
The goals of the Order of St. George are to help the Orthodox poor, the sick, the needy, the maimed, the mentally ill, the imprisoned, the socially disadvantaged and the persecuted. The Order also strives to assist in the protection and maintenance of Orthodox holy places including monasteries, seminaries, cathedrals, churches and shrines.
Those received into the Order are received in accordance with their personal state and may choose the nature of their commitment in the activities of the Order. Those members of the Order belonging to the clergy, remain subject to the rules and regulations of their respective hierarchs and Orthodox jurisdictions. Members of the Order who belong to the ranks of the clergy are exempt from having to pay both the passage fee and annual membership fee. This courtesy also extends to those who are of monastic rank. Clergy and monastics are responsible for the purchase of their own medals.
It is the intention of the Order to be as accessible and affordable as possible for those wishing to join in membership. It is not the desire of the Order to be just for an elite group of individuals. With keeping the above in mind, the Order will permit passage fees and annual membership dues to be paid either in full or in two installments. Additional financial arrangements on a case-by-case basis.
The Holy Orthodox Order of St. George the Great Martyr is a nonprofit, tax deductible 501(c)(3) public charity.
NOTE: The Order has zero connection to or association with Freemasonry or similar societies. A person cannot be a member of the Order and a freemason at the same time. Those members of the Order found to be associated with Freemasonry and/or any Masonic fraternities, will be expelled from the Order, striped of all honors, and barred from future membership.
More information can be found on the Order’s website:
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