According to recent polls, 86% of Russians and Ukrainians reject the homosexual lifestyle, and say it should not be accepted by society.

According to a new Pew Research survey, of all Europeans, Ukrainians and Russians are the least tolerant towards homosexuality.
In the survey, “European Public Opinion Three Decades After the Fall of Communism,” Pew reports that only 14% of people from both Ukraine and Russia have a favorable attitude towards homosexuality.

Unsurprisingly, homosexuality is more accepted overall by Western European countries. Of the nations surveyed, the highest level of support comes from Sweden, with 94%, followed closely by the Netherlands, with 92%. Germany, France, Spain, and the UK all polled in the 80s, with Italy at 75%.

The numbers are markedly lower in Central and Eastern Europe. Of the other solidly-Orthodox nations included in the survey, 32% of Bulgarians and 48% of Greeks are accepting of homosexuality. In Lithuania—28%; Czech Republic—59%; Slovakia—44%; Hungary—49%; and Poland—47%.
For comparison, Pew notes that 72% of Americans today say homosexuality should be accepted by society—lower than the median of 86% in Western Europe, though much higher than the numbers in Central and Eastern Europe.
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