"I must speak out, if for no other reason than to serve in the traditional role of the monk as prophet. We are dangerously close to war with Russia, and as a monk I am driven to speak the truth as I see it, unpopular as it may be. I am not being political, nor am I being unpatriotic or un-American. I am simply a priest monk calling upon his nation to repent. . ."
The 1917 Russian Revolution was orchestrated, beginning in 1914, from the British Embassy in Saint Petersburg, and the American Embassy in Kiev, and stoked by the anti-monarchical , warmongering tabloid western media. Following the overthrow of the Czarist government, the revolutionary government itself was taken over by extremists, and the world was to face seventy years of communist genocide against Orthodox Christians. The anti-Orthodox views of these Western powers is well documented, and continues to this very day as witnessed by the betrayal of Orthodox Christians in Kosovo, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya, the Gaza strip, and now the Ukraine. And now, the Untied States backed terrorism against the canonical Orthodox in the Ukraine only continues what has become a long standing hatred by the Western powers, of Orthodoxy.
Under President Obama, Washington’s propaganda machine set about to convince the world that the Ukrainian separatists used an expensive anti-aircraft missile system, together with Russian help, to down a civilian aircraft with almost three hundred innocent people on board, this in spite of the fact that the separatists had no incentive to shoot down an airliner flying at 33,000 feet. The fact that the Ukrainian junta does have Buk anti-aircraft missile systems and a Buk battery was operational in the region and deployed at a site from which it could have fired a missile at the airliner, is being completely ignored. One Russian general familiar with the weapon system offered his opinion that it was a mistake made by the Ukrainian military untrained in the weapon’s use. The general said that although Ukraine has a few of the weapons, Ukrainians have had no training in their use in the twenty-three years since Ukraine separated from Russia. The general thought it was an accident due to incompetence.

It is also to be noted that the Malaysian airliner and President Putin’s airliner were traveling on almost the identical route within minutes of one another. Interfax quotes its source: “I can say that President Putin’s plane and the Malaysian Boeing intersected at the same point and the same echelon. That was close to Warsaw on the 330-m echelon at a height of 10,100 meters. The presidential jet was there at 16:21 Moscow time and the Malaysian aircraft at 15:44 Moscow time. The contours of the aircrafts are similar, linear dimensions are also very similar, as for the colouring, at a quite remote distance they are almost identical.”
There was some speculation that Washington decided to rid itself of President Putin and mistook the Malaysian airliner for Putin’s jet, and before we say the American military is too sophisticated to mistake one airliner for another, let us remember that the U.S. Military shot down an Iranian airliner over Iranian air space, killing 290 civilians, while thinking we were downing a fighter aircraft of the Iranian Air Force.
Is the United States government and her Western allies, so dominated by hate-filled hawks, that we are willing to set the stage for World War III, or will we finally put aside our insatiable desire to control the whole world, together with our colonialist European Union allies? Is it really beyond comprehension that our American administration, backed by CNN, Fox News, and an array of compromised Western Media types, is hell-bent on continuing the long standing position that Russia is our enemy? Do we not see that the sanctions against Russia are, in fact, an act of war? And why are we American Christians not concerned that our government, as it did in 1914, is saber rattling against the one Christian nation that is attempting to withstand creeping secularism, atheism, and militant Islam, while holding to the standards of biblical Christianity?
Let us be vigilant in our thinking, keeping ourselves open to the truth. Blindly viewing everything our American government says leaves us wide open to the same dangers that caused the German people to fall prey to the Nazi propaganda machine, and we know where that led. Perhaps a diplomatic solution could begin with the United States and her European Union allies, stepping out of the affairs of the Ukrainian people. Perhaps we could start looking at Russia as the potential ally she is, and not seeing her as the enemy she is not. And, perhaps we could consider that the Ukrainian government, facing the possible partitioning of their country, could very well believe that bringing on World War III could be the only way they can bring Western countries into their war with Russia.
I have been in pain of heart over this issue for a very long time. I’ve made it a point of staying away from politics, but, like the Lutheran pastors who spoke out against the Nazis, and paid the price, I must speak out, if for no other reason than to serve in the traditional role of the monk as prophet. We are dangerously close to war with Russia, and as a monk I am driven to speak the truth as I see it, unpopular as it may be. I am not being political, nor am I being unpatriotic or un-American. I am simply a priest monk calling upon his nation to repent, return to our Christian roots, and the basic Christian values we’ve held since the foundation of this great nation.
I am not comparing myself to the martyrs. I am simply saying that as a priest of the Church I must not surrender to the State, but like the Lutheran clergy who stood up to the Nazis, stand in boldness before the civil authorities. The Church must not passively stand by while terrible things happen. Only a few Lutheran clergy stood up for truth, and they paid the price. We clergy of today must not fear the fate of those courageous Lutheran pastors.
With love in Christ,
Abbot Tryphon